A Road Hard to Travel

The Muddy Road
By:Anna Vivienne

The start of the journey towards Long Pasia, from Sipitang, a township south of the State,  is somewhat exciting. The road meanders through the countryside where quaint little houses stand among larger more opulent abode. The greeneries around are picturesque, lending a tranquil atmosphere along the road.
One can enjoy the view indefinitely but this nicely asphalted road comes to an end an hour or so drive afterwards, and then it starts on gravel. Most people understand and have experienced how uncomfortable driving on or travelling on a four-wheel drive vehicle can be over gravelly road.  Its like being trundled and shaken in a tin can.
Bumping one’s head is a periodic occurrence where one definitely acquires a blazing headache after wards. To boot it all one bump up and down which is not very good for the back.
It helps if the vehicle slows down a little, but it is still quite bumpy nevertheless.
Long Pasia
The graveled road comes to an end too, but we are not there yet. The road ends into dirt road; no gravels anymore. Its just a dirt road that turns into slippery red clay when it rains.
The driver of the vehicle has to apply his driving skills here and it must be mentioned that it’s not a matter of just having passed a driving test by the licensing department. It needs skills and nerve.
Two feet of sloshy mud, with rocks and pieces of woods in it are main concerns. Getting stuck in the muddy sludge is another.
Slipping down a slope with a vehicle horizontal on the road is a sight that’s almost mundane. Getting thrown every which way is another. The breath-stopping occasion is when the vehicle buck on the road with a deep ravine on one side.
After going through that for four hours, Long Pasia Village comes into view.  The breath taking view of the village is worth it, although back in one’s mind is the niggling thought that a day or so afterwards, the four hours’ drive will be repeated when one leaves to go home.
Long Pasia is a village in Sipitang Sabah which is synonymous with nature and as home to the Lundayeh people. They are mostly paddy planters and hunters. In their plantations they usually plant catch crops like yams, tapioca and sweet potatoes.
The village is nestled in the valley, with houses built on the gentle slopes. At the flat land on the valley where the schools, clinic and shops are, runs a river.
The village is participating in the homestay programme and many houses are earmarked as such. This is especially for houses that have good clean modern toilets, a compulsory requirement.
Tour Guide, Maxson Balang who resides in that village says the village can attract a lot of tourists who want to experience life there but the road condition is a major deterrent.
The Villagers are also finding it difficult to go to town to sell their wares or buy essentials.
“We have been facing difficulties through the years because of the lack of good road. We hope that the Government through our State Assemblyman will be informed about this problem and rectify this as soon as possible.”
One of the waterfalls
On the homestay programme activities, there are many and various. The Balang Homestay for instance offers a wide array of activities, according to.
“We have a river cruise that takes about 40 minutes. We take our guests down the river to bird watch and generally see the wild life along the river,” Maxson shares adding that they also get to walk around the village experience the cool ambiance there.
“Besides that we also take them rafting. Not white water rafting but rafting slowly down the river on a bamboo raft. It’s an experience and also pit one’s prowess against nature.”
“Our highlight is the trek to the waterfalls. It is a good walk, a little challenging to those unused to the terrain.  I have guided many people to the waterfalls and they have nothing but praises for the sights.”
“Along the way, I showed them edible plants and herbs. This is of great interest to most of our guests, especially those who are not accustomed to the jungles.”
Balang (right) and his guests
Maxson says the villagers have knowledge of jungle food and medicinal plants  as they have always lived with nature and their their ancestors had garnered so much of such knowledge through the generations.   
Besides that, the people there also accord their guests with a taste of their traditional food, gathered from the forests.
“We serve them local food or  whatever we have, so they know what we eat here. I believe this enriches their homestay experience.”
This way guests will go home with a rich knowledge of the people in their host country, he adds.

Those who wish to visit this village may call Maxson at 011 17598169 for more information.- AG/MSN


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